Best of the visualisation web… December 2016

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from December 2016.

Visualisations & Infographics

Includes static and interactive visualisation examples, infographics and galleries/collections of relevant imagery.

Bloomberg | Inevitably in December, it is the time for lists and annual compilations. Here’s the first from Bloomberg, ‘A Tumultuous Year Explained in 129 Graphics’

Hindustan Times | …this is ‘2016: The year in graphics and visuals’ from the Hindustan Times

Washington Post | …’16 in ’16: The year in must-see visualizations from The Post’

New York Times | … the NYT’s ‘2016: The Year in Visual Stories and Graphics’

Wall Sreet Journal | …’The Best WSJ Graphics and Visual Stories From 2016′

FiveThirtyEight | …FiveThirtyEight’s annual ‘The Best And Worst Data Stories Of 2016’

Twitter | …This is the start of a twitter thread posted by Ed Hawkins presenting some of the most compelling climate-related charts of 2016

Medium | …Evan Sinar’s suggestions for ‘The 10 Best Data Visualization Articles of 2016 (and Why They Were Awesome)’

Strava | …from Strava, ‘The Year in Stats: Incredible activities and achievements from the Strava community.’

Cartonerd | …Ken Field picks his ‘Favourite maps from 2016’

Maarten Lambrechts | Maarten compiles a personal list based not on the best and the beautiful rather the ‘big events and trends, captured in charts’

Maarten Lambrechts | …finally, Maarten renders my own list somewhat redundant (thanks for reading so far!) with his mega collection of ‘The list of 2016 visualization lists’

Flowing Data | ‘How People Like You Spend Their Time’

Radio Garden | ‘Radio Garden allows listeners to explore processes of broadcasting and hearing identities across the entire globe’

New York Times | ‘‘Duck Dynasty’ vs. ‘Modern Family’: 50 Maps of the U.S. Cultural Divide’

Our World In Data | Is the world really going down the sink? Here’s Max Roser’s ‘A history of global living conditions in 5 charts’ to maybe offer a different perspective on things

Polygraph | ‘An interactive visualization of every line in Hamilton’ by Shirley Wu

AI Experiments | An exploratory audio gallery of bird sounds

Jonni Walker Data Blog | ‘London’s parakeets’, developed by Jonni with Sophie Sparkes

Clever Franke | ‘Red Bull Visualization: Using sensors to create a real-life personalised data visualization experience at the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE)’

ESRI | ‘Coastal views from the United Kingdom’

EJI | ‘EJI’s Community Remembrance Project is part of our campaign to recognize the victims of lynching’

Enigma | ‘A Prescription for Healthcare Data’

Washington Post | ‘Six maps that show the anatomy of America’s vast infrastructure’

Very Small Array | ‘Sixteen years, 4 million regrets’

FiveThirtyEight | ‘The Definitive Analysis Of ‘Love Actually,’ The Greatest Christmas Movie Of Our Time’

CNN | ‘Vanishing: The extinction crisis is far worse than you think’

Hindustan Times | ‘Demonetisation’s ever-changing rules: a complete history’

Clever Franke | ‘Data Animations: Captivating storytelling through data animations, the HERE privacy demo’

Quartz | ’10 charts for tracking whether Trump is delivering on his economic promises’

5WBlog | Nice collection of infographics from the Times of Oman

New York Times | ‘Mapping the Shadows of New York City: Every Building, Every Block’

Vox | ‘These 100 CEOs have more retirement savings than 41% of American households combined’

Senseable City Lab | ‘Exploring the Green Canopy in cities around the world’

FiveThirtyEight | ‘We Asked You To Visualize Your Podcast Listening And, Wow, Did You Deliver’

Your Life in Numbers | ‘Your Life in Numbers: Explore how much the world has changed since you were born’

New York Times | ‘How to Know What Donald Trump Really Cares About: Look at What He’s Insulting’


The emphasis on these items is that they are less about visualisation images and are more article-focused, so includes discussion, discourse, interviews and videos

Debrouwere | ‘An ode to the bar chart’ by Stijn Debrouwere

Nieman Lab | ‘Communicating uncertainty to our readers’

Medium | ‘Daily Sketches in 2016’

Medium | ‘Data about Data art’

Scientific American | ‘How Science Visualization Can Help Save the World: Information graphics and the fight for science in Trump’s America’

Washington Post | ‘That viral graph about millennials’ declining support for democracy? It’s very misleading.’

Project Syndicate | ‘The Empathy Trap’

Arithmetic of Compassion | …and from the article above “Confronting [the arithmetic of compassion] in our daily lives and our national policy decisions is of critical importance in a world facing catastrophic threats from violence, disease, poverty, and natural disasters”

Medium | ‘Data visualisation: what’s next?’

New York Times | ‘How Trump Can Influence Climate Change’

DNA Info | ‘How Tall Will New Buildings in My NYC Neighborhood Be?’

Undocumented | ‘Undocumented in America: 1 in 28 people in the U.S. are undocumented.’

Twitter | ‘Does this @WSJGraphics chart downplay US concern over Russian hacking? Here’s a redesign for comparison.’

Learning & Development

These links cover presentations, tutorials, academic papers, development opportunities, case-studies, how-tos etc.

Fell in Love With Data | Enrico’s selection of ’11 (Papers + Talks) Highlights from IEEE VIS’16′

Google Research | ‘Attacking discrimination with smarter machine learning’

Paris 21 | ‘Data Visualisation Training Toolkit’

DataViz | ‘A curated guide to the best tools, resources and technologies for data visualization’

Farbe Text Emotion | ‘Do Images Reflect Emotion in Text? Study using Machine Learning and Data from Instagram and Articles from The New York Times’

NPR | Really love this, ‘How We Cleaned Up And Ranked Our Listeners’ Favorite Albums of 2016′

Fell in Love With Data | Two more great updates from Enrico’s programme ‘InfoVis Course Diary: Developing Visualization Design Workshops’

Fell in Love With Data | …and ‘InfoVis Course Diary: The Course Recap Exercise’

YCWU | ‘A survey on information visualization: recent advances and challenges’

NRabinowitz | Super tool simulating best approaches to creating a ‘Responsive Data Visualization’

Scientific American | ‘The Evolution of a Scientific American Graphic: Cosmic Hunt’

Truth and Beauty | Who doesn’t like a process narrative? Here’s Moritz’s from his work on the ‘The Rhythm of Food’ project

Darkhorse Analytics | ‘Visualizing distributions’

Source | Lisa Rost revisits her excellent experiment from earlier in the year ‘What I learned recreating one chart using 24 tools’

NAPA Cards | ‘NAPA Cards: Narrative Patterns for Data-Driven Storytelling’

Subject News

Includes announcements within the field, brand new/new-to-me sites, new books and generally interesting developments.

Rock the VizComm | ‘Charting the Chartists: A 2016 Survey of Data Visualization Professionals’

Amazon | New Book: ‘National Geographic Infographics’, by Julius Wiedemann

Excel Charts | ‘The Excel Chart Shop: Excel chart templates for all your data visualization needs’

Flourish | New Tool: ‘Flourish is a new platform for visualising, presenting and telling stories with data.’

Darkhorse Analytics | ‘Mapping data should take seconds’ introducing

Maarten Lambrechts | A new member of the freelancing community!