Interviewed for the Visual Loop website

I was recently interviewed for Tiago Veloso’s Visual Loop website, a site for which I have a great affinity. Tiago and I both started our blogging lives at around the same time and he’s a really smashing guy so do check out his site for a relentless stream of visual eye-candy. There is both an English version and a translated Portuguese version. I gave Tiago a bit of help with the translation but actually his Portuguese is coming on really well now.

I realise that I appear to have been on something of a PR campaign of late doing interviews, recording podcasts and giving talks for the price of a hot meal right now but it really is just a coincidence of timing (and my own backlog of getting work done) – I promise this is the last one for now!

I also must get some new pics done because I’m sick of looking at my mug in that suit and shirt get-up. I’m not sure I can get away with using this?

(Many thanks to Tiago for the conversation!)